Cigarettes and Valentines (Live)
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:21 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Song Author
Billie Joe Armstrong
File Size
50 KB
I don't wan-na go back ho-ome I don't want a kiss good-night
Let us par-a-lyze this mo-ment til it dies
To the end of the earth un-der the Va-lley of the Stars
There's a car crash-ing deep in-side my heart
Take a ride through the a-ven-ues a-cross the Great Di-vide
There's a si-ren scream-ing "I'm a-live" it cries
Red a-lert is the co-lor of your pa-per va-len-tines
In-ter-twined on this mo-ment pass-ing by
Take a ride through the a-ven-ues a-cross the Great Di-vide
There's a si-ren scream-ing "I'm a-live" it cries
Red a-lert is the co-lor of your pa-per va-len-tines
In-ter-twined on this mo-ment pass-ing by
So come a-way with me to-night
With ci-ga-rettes and va-a-al-en-tines
Ci-ga-rettes and val-en-tines
Well come a-way with me to-night
With ci-ga-rettes and va-a-al-en-tines
Oh come a-way with me to-night
With ci-ga-rettes and va-a-al-en-tines
Ci-ga-rettes and val-en-tines
As played in Denver, Colorado on August 28th
Thanks to xGeneralxS on YouTube for the great video!